Saturday, March 15, 2008


Here's my buddy, Buckshot. If the squirrels ever try to get the best of me, I know he's got my back. He's a good dog but he's kinda scary sometimes. (I keep him in line by biting his toes)


I don't know whether she's taunting me or just being friendly but she looks like she's waving at me. Pesky rodents....GRRRR!

Of Squirrels and Dachshunds.......

I guess they thought I was going to run away or something. Truth be told, if it wasn't for the tie-out (and my lack of tree-climbing skills) I'd have been up that tree and on that squirrel in a flash. Mom and Dad seem to know her, they call her Cecilia. One day she just showed up and started coming up the front steps! She scared me half to death and then I chased her down the steps and out into the yard. Apparently she was just a baby last year and Mom and Dad used to feed her peanuts on the porch; this year they're feeding her corn. I don't know if I can be friends with a squirrel but I guess we'll see 'cause it looks like she's gonna stick around.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What a Weekend!

I had a really good weekend. Dad came home Thursday evening and he had presents for me! He brought me a chicken-flavored bone and a squeeky pig. We had a really good weekend and I got to play ALOT! I was so tired Saturday night; I was O-U-T as soon as my head hit the pillow. I snuggled with Dad and I was really comfortable. Here's a picture that somebody took- I didn't even wake up. Sunday I got to go for a walk with Mom and then I just hung out outside for awhile. I can't wait to go camping- I've never been but everybody keeps telling me I'm gonna like it. Oh, I left out the best part- Mom bought a 5 lb bag of jelly beans and I get to sneak 'em sometimes!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Miss My Daddy!

Dad's been gone a couple of days for work. I miss him like crazy although, it's nice to be able to stretch out on his side of the bed! Maybe when he comes home he'll bring me a bone or something. I'm pretty sure he got something for Mom that looks like me.....maybe she'll put it in the flower garden this spring. I hope he misses me, too.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday Company

I had company on Sunday. My mom's sister brought her 2 month old German Shepherd up for a visit. He scared the JEEBERS out of me a first but, after awhile, we started playing and I had a really good time! I hope he comes back soon.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I lost a good friend on Thursday; Emily left us after 17 years. Although Dad and I weren't around for her whole life we loved her like we had been. She was a good girl and she accepted me more than she did any other dogs. My Mom is really sad because Emily was her baby and they used to do everything together.
She didn't get around too well anymore and she got kind of mixed up from time to time. Dad and I have seen the pictures of her when she was a puppy and we've heard the stories of how she used to be. I know she's happier now and she's not hurting anymore. I also know that, somewhere, she's able to jump up on the couch again and she's running and playing right now.
We miss you, Emily.