Friday, May 29, 2009


Mollie is learning. Sometimes the lessons I teach her are better kept away from the prying ears of Mom and Dad. At times like that, the best thing to do is just whisper. Here's a shot of me passing on some pretty sensitive info. Mollie is listening pretty intently, huh?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Camping Trip

I had a really nice time over Memorial Day Weekend. Mom & Dad took Mollie and I to the lake and we camped all weekend long! I love being at the lake because there are alot of people and dogs to say hello to. I went for lots of walks, ate lots of stuff that I'm not allowed to eat at home, and at bed time, I could sprawl out in front of an open window and see and smell all of the night time sights and smells. LOVED IT!! Here's a picture Dad took of me while I was laying down for an afternoon nap on Saturday.