Saturday, March 7, 2009

Well, my Daddy came home last night and I was really excited to see him. I cuddled up with him and was really surprised when he got up early this morning. I thought he was going downstairs so we could have some Maggie/Daddy time but NOOOO! he just had to put on that dang flight suit and disappear again. Oh well, he told me he'd be home on Monday; I can't wait. I think I'll just hang out with Mom and Mollie this weekend. It's supposed to rain so maybe there's a nap in my future.......
I heard a rumor that Grandma & Grandpa McQueen might come by this weekend. It'd be nice to see 'em and I'm sure Mollie needs a "Grandpa Fix". Gotta go- there's a bone calling my name.

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