Friday, April 17, 2009

Nap Time!!

It's different when Dad's gone. Mom leaves for work and there's really not much to do. Mollie and I normally hang out in Mom's recliner but, when it's available (and by available, I mean when Mollie hasn't peed on it) we like to lounge in front of the TV on our bed. It's super comfortable (as long as you-know-who doesn't wet the bed) and makes for some pretty relaxed mornings. I especially like to lay on it when I get back from a WW (that's Weiner-Walk for those of you who are uninformed). I guess we could call it a WWW (the extra "W" is for Worms) after it rains because Mollie and I like to eat the dried worms that met their demise on the concrete sidewalk in Military Park. They're a great source of protein and are pretty tasty, too. At any rate, I'm gonna get off the recliner now and check the comfort level of our bed. Maybe Mollie will come with me; I could use a good pillow. Later- Maggs.

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