Sunday, November 29, 2009

Daddy's Favorite.....

Tamara took this picture of me in September on a camping trip. The wind was blowing my ears back. This is Dad's favorite picture of me. What do you think?


I was pretty sure somebody slipped me a Mickey in the turkey sandwich. Then I found out that that tasty bird contains this little jewel. Uh-oh.... I didn't snore, did I?!

Thanksgiving Trip

Mom, Dad, Tamara, Mollie and I went to New Mexico for Thanksgiving. It's a long time to ride in the truck but we had fun and I ate WAAAY too much! It helps to have an Uncle like Dave to sneak Mollie and me bites under the table. Anyway, here are a couple of Pics of Mollie and Me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Mom and Dad took Mollie and I camping this weekend; what a blast!! It was really windy but we had fun anyway. I fell off the dock at the lake and got to swim for a few minutes- the water was cold and was a welcome break from all the hot Kansas wind. After that, we just sort of chilled out by the camper. Mom fixed corn on the cob with supper and I got to eat off Dad's plate. Man, I really love corn on the cob!!!! Here's a video of me having some and a picture. It's one of Mollie doing that thing with her ears.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Mollie is learning. Sometimes the lessons I teach her are better kept away from the prying ears of Mom and Dad. At times like that, the best thing to do is just whisper. Here's a shot of me passing on some pretty sensitive info. Mollie is listening pretty intently, huh?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Camping Trip

I had a really nice time over Memorial Day Weekend. Mom & Dad took Mollie and I to the lake and we camped all weekend long! I love being at the lake because there are alot of people and dogs to say hello to. I went for lots of walks, ate lots of stuff that I'm not allowed to eat at home, and at bed time, I could sprawl out in front of an open window and see and smell all of the night time sights and smells. LOVED IT!! Here's a picture Dad took of me while I was laying down for an afternoon nap on Saturday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Longing for Sunshine

We've had a bit of rain the last couple of days and I'm ready for the warm sunshine to come back. There's something special about standing in the grass in the front yard without having to suck it in to keep my belly from getting wet. I'd love to be able to lie down in the grass and watch mom plant flowers and work in the yard. Oh well, next week is supposed to be nice.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nap Time!!

It's different when Dad's gone. Mom leaves for work and there's really not much to do. Mollie and I normally hang out in Mom's recliner but, when it's available (and by available, I mean when Mollie hasn't peed on it) we like to lounge in front of the TV on our bed. It's super comfortable (as long as you-know-who doesn't wet the bed) and makes for some pretty relaxed mornings. I especially like to lay on it when I get back from a WW (that's Weiner-Walk for those of you who are uninformed). I guess we could call it a WWW (the extra "W" is for Worms) after it rains because Mollie and I like to eat the dried worms that met their demise on the concrete sidewalk in Military Park. They're a great source of protein and are pretty tasty, too. At any rate, I'm gonna get off the recliner now and check the comfort level of our bed. Maybe Mollie will come with me; I could use a good pillow. Later- Maggs.

Monday, April 13, 2009

There goes Monday

It's almost 5:00 Monday evening. It seems like the last week has pretty much flown by. The Squirrels are more active so all I can think about is going outside to watch Cecilia and Jack. I'd really love to floss my teeth with one of 'em. If it wasn't for that confounded tie-out.
Dad's going back to work tomorrow. He told me that he's leaving in the morning, but I already knew. Since he's on days this week, maybe Mom will take Mollie and me to Emporia to see him on Saturday; I hope so. Mom, Dad, Mollie and me went and looked at a house for sale out in the country. Neat yard, plenty of room (outside) but pretty cramped inside. Oh well, we'll keep looking. Buckshot has been having some health problems so we're sticking pretty close to home to keep an eye on him. Mollie and I have even been spending time with him in the backyard. Mollie is a little scared of him, but I got my bluff in pretty early- he steers clear of me.

Here's a picture of Mollie and me in New Mexico, Thanksgiving '08.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I can't believe it's so cold.  Daddy's home and he told Mollie and me that he would take us for a walk at the lake when it got warmer.  It figures, it's nice the whole time he's gone and then, when he gets home, it turns cold.  Maybe it'll warm up this afternoon.  'Til then, I think I'll find some rawhide........

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thoughts for the day.......

I'm really happy that my Daddy is coming home tonight!! This warm weather is making both of us think about camping. There are a lot of really cool places we need to explore and I think we'll hit 'em all this Summer. This year, when we're camping, I think I'll do more walking and less eating and napping.......
This picture is not accurate, the camera and the camper add 10 pounds!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Well, my Daddy came home last night and I was really excited to see him. I cuddled up with him and was really surprised when he got up early this morning. I thought he was going downstairs so we could have some Maggie/Daddy time but NOOOO! he just had to put on that dang flight suit and disappear again. Oh well, he told me he'd be home on Monday; I can't wait. I think I'll just hang out with Mom and Mollie this weekend. It's supposed to rain so maybe there's a nap in my future.......
I heard a rumor that Grandma & Grandpa McQueen might come by this weekend. It'd be nice to see 'em and I'm sure Mollie needs a "Grandpa Fix". Gotta go- there's a bone calling my name.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Here's a shot of Buckshot and me at a sleepover we had in the the living room last Summer. (It wasn't really a sleepover, more like a daytime "lounge session")

Catching Up-

I can't believe it's been over two months since I've been on here. Mollie keeps me pretty busy; it's not easy teaching a puppy everything there is to know about being a Dachshund!! I've also been a little bummed 'cause my Dad got a new job and he's gone for a week at a time. He's a helicopter pilot now and he works out of town. The good news is that he's home for a week at a time, too! That makes for a lot of Maggie/Daddy time!! The last Sunday that he worked, Mom & Mollie and I took him and his crew lunch. I hope Mom takes us again this Sunday!

I've gone to see my Grandma and Grandpa McQueen a couple of times recently. It's always fun to go there.....they have CARPET!! Mollie and Grandpa get along very nicely and we get to go for walks in the pasture. There was a lot of static electricity in the truck on the way out to Montezuma last weekend- it really did a number on my hair!!! I'm a little embarrassed to even let you see this picture but, what the heck, you won't judge, right?